Friday, December 09, 2005


alright! i've finally finish my whole module!!! yea!!! i do not need to go to school no more!!! woohoo!! hahaha..

anyways, the bad new's that i cant take my exam earlier... uni rules and regulations, blah blah. sucky. hahaha... i have to take it in january la!!! so like i cant have peace till it's over.

so fast... so fast... the school terms gonna start. once i come back, it'll be another erm... 10 days before school begins.

hmmm.. guess i'll have some time to hang out with some of u once i get back ya!

ok, so had training today. man, been so long since i've trained. wah.. lack lots of stamina.. LOTS! haha.. i am sooo tired after playing touch. my chest juz felt sooo tight. but i kinda lots of fun for like a long time haha..

guess when i want to score tries, it's not that difficult after all. ya... ha... i think what i did today was the most no. of tries scroed in half an hour. but it's 4v4 after all. haha..

hmmm.. the tackling excercise was also fun cos i did not tackle!! hahaha.. was too tired to go do the excercise and ah chuan forgot about me prolly cos i was holding the shield for quite a few times.

okok... am watching dream catcher now. sooo scary. it's freaky. so am off to enjoy the show!
hmmm.. btw! wad do u guys think of this email!
haha.. got this while playing touch today. tee wei or some one was shouting "I SEE THE GAB!!" and i was like in my head going "oOo! nice!" in fact, i have also been using that line quite often but nvr thought of using it as an email add...


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