Tuesday, February 28, 2006


oh my!!! how sad!!! i did my napfa today. 3 As, 2 Bs and..... a D!!!! OMG!!!!

argh!!! there goes my gold... man....

anyway, i'm quite glad too.. it's the first time i manage to do 9 pull ups!!! *woot* am proud of myself!! hahaha.... sadly for 2.4, i finished in 11.44 slower than before, 11.20...

but the good thing is that, i can run all 8 rounds!!! FINALLY!!! hahahahaha...

ok, juz realised something funny. today's the last day of the month. and during chem pract, i was asking kiat for today's date and i realised tmr's the day we collect our results which is also the 1st of march. so i juz happily assumed today's the 30th of feb!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!! wrote it in my chem pract ws! hahaha...

(for those who don't know, feb has only 28 days and 29 every 5 yrs.) =D

ok, so after school i dropped by world of JJ, hoping to find some useful cards to buy and sell and also help my friends look for cards.

decided to sit down for a game of magic. (for those who don't know, i'm kinda back to playing magic temporarily to waste my breaks away so tt i wont spend so much money on food! anyway, it doesn't work, cos i spend my money now on cards!!!)

alright. i played this guy and as usual like in school, i thought i was invincible when playing locals cos i would whoop everyone's butt and win with extra life.

HOWEVER! i whooped this guy on the first round to just 5 life, and he cleared my table of all my creatures and smacked me from 32 life to 0!!!! OMG!!!!!

thought it was juz luck, played again. i smacked him down from 20 (the starting life) to just 3. and he whipped me from 24 to 0!!!

ARGH!!!!!!! man!!!!

nvm. i'm not a pro. but he played like a pro. he game was going super fast! they probably memorise every single card there is in the whole game. i was like picking everyone up and reading them. -.-

haha.. and then the spectators were like playing the game for me cos i was too slow! hahahaha... they were like going "in response to ur faith's fetters, i sacrifice my creature......"
"HEY! u can sac ur creature to in response to his response!!!"
Me- "huh???? oh ok"
Opponent -" !@#$%()(*&^%#@! what talking u!!!"
my "supporters"- "!$**&^%$#@ can la!! u !*%$#@!"
Me- "huh?? okokok relax"
Opponent- "oh ya hor... so my creature also die la?"

and so it goes on.

hahahahaha... i din noe what in the world they wre talking about! they were like PROS! even when i play in school, they are like me, SOOOOO SLOW! hahahahaha...

haha.. good experience la... am gonna kick butts the next time! =P


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