Monday, May 08, 2006


ha.. it's about time i updated a little...

alright! i have uploaded my batam photos!! gonna put em up soon hahaha... have not been in the mood of updating lately. haha..

ok, it's 12.30 on a monday morning... i should be sleeping soon. haha...

am juz happy whenever i think of my friends.. haha... i wanna be like last time, all cheerful haha... wanna make pple wonder why i am smiling all day. wanna make pple laugh and smile like i use to. haha... i am juz less playful these days. hahaha...

i also need to push on my work. i juz cant focus on chem today cos i was a lil frustrated at miss lee's way of tutorial and all.... haiz... it's not helping us... tt's how i feel... we need time to work together ALL the problems before attempting the assignment, but now, we are juz going through certain questions here and there.

what if we did wrongly during assignment? she does not go through the corrections with us as she assumed tt she has gone through them during tutorials... man.. how are we gonna learn.. i know i cant... haiz... till rugby's over, i'm gonna push.

as i sat down in service today, i couldn't focus as there were 2 things stuck in my head. one was my studies, one was behind. hahahahahaha.. i juz kept thinking how i can study so tt i can amuse pple haha.. make my parents proud. man... to be able to get straight A's stinking cool la.. i also want.. but i know it comes with a HUGE price tag... am gonna work towards it i guess... I REALLY DUNNOE HOW! but i'll try!


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