Saturday, April 22, 2006


haha.. i wanted to do this at the start of this year, but i keep forgetting!!!

ok, while waiting for all the rest to get ready to dota, i shall write this entry like u did last year to my friends.

ok, this is in random order.

daryl C. - hahahah.... i forgot the 'C' part of ur name. but u are a friend that would never fail to say hi to me in school, a friend in which i would always greet. also, with all ur consistent tags on my blog, u nvr fail to make me feel special hahahaha... like i'm not forgotten. thanks. all those time spent talking about maple and stuff. hahaha... FUN!

MISS FOONG - hmmm... decided to put u in also cos i guess, u're sometimes the most understanding person around, but sometimes, i juz cant understand u hahahaha... nothing bad abt tt la. haha.. prolly i'm juz of lower frequency. i really hope tt through this time, though ur parents are in macau, u would still survive through, do well for A's and of course remain as ur cheerful self. juz know that your friends are always here for u ya.. =) can always count on me too!

esther tan - hahahaha.... my word. what i want to tell u would be soooo better off in a letter. my, how much you've grown.. (as if i am tt old hahaha) but i see soooo much change in you! like i said, what i want to tell you would prolly be in a letter. i really have to say that i appreciate ur care and concern alot! juz like having an older sis. it's nice. so juz wanna say thank you. the rest, in a letter or if i ever have a chance to speak to you.

desmond!!!! - DUDE! I MISS U SOOOO MUCH! though i dun really show it. i know army's tough, but God will see u through! u're kept in prayer ya. i've not forgotten u! =D man... those times u were really my ear, my output and storage. haha... things i feel like talking, or sometimes bragging. i can juz find u. hahaha.. sometimes it's juz my childish nature tt pple would erm... cant fit a word. but ya, telling u all my childish stuff.. erm... how to say ar, u juz react in a different way than others. others would either think i'm a dreamer, or being cocky or it's juz my ego they would say. but u understand how i juz want to let it out cos i'm happy. haha.. ya... take care man..

esther chong - ah... i guess things between us are getting better ya... i still care about u lots. like what both of us feel now. we have have our bestest friend. anything we want to talk or what, we can juz say it out and stuff. and i really mean ANYTHING! ya... our past.... hmmm... yea, those were nice times, but i guess we've juz got to move on, learn from mistakes and all... yea... thanks for those days... though i miss the quiksilver part. hahaha.. (whispers "the most innocent part of you") u were so blur hahaha... too innocent la. =) tc!

akira and anders - put u 2 together cos i'd prolly say the same thing. both of u a treasured friends of mine. no matter what happen or what ever bad things, yea i've often been able to easily put them aside. guess we 3 yellow pple make up one hell of a tag team ya! let's work together and beat NYJC!!! i was soo sad, i think i shouted in my dreams last night... cos i dreamt tt we lost to them.. then i let out a loud warcry.... cos i was sooo mad... I WANT TO BEAT NY!!!! I'LL KILL THE FIRST FORWARD WHO CATCHES THE BALL IN KICK OFF!!! RAAAAR!!!!

hmmm... some others, i juz assume u dun visit my blog or might have accidentally forgotten... yea...

oh yes... =)

xiao wei - it's been quite sometime... u're definitely always on my mind ya... nvr forgotten. the friendship we shared when i felt sooo outcasted... ha... thanks ya... =) u're sooo treasured for everything. times we hanged out and all... i am juz lost for words now... guess things changed real fast ya... but yea.. u're still a friend i'd never want to forget. =) thanks for all.

ok, it's about time for dotaing! seeya pple!


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