Monday, April 17, 2006


ok, everything's back to normal... =D

man... tmr's spa... haha... i need to study for it man... gonna be lots of writing to be done...

alright... i juz cant wait for NY's game. was super fired up yesterday la! haha... here and there, i juz cant stop thinking of it.

last year for me, gonna give my best! =D

ok, aint much i want to say... i'm juz happy with life now... juz need to study study study...

oh! btw, of all my report book reports, this term's the best of all 3 yrs!! hahaha... and i only got a D O E. hahaha.. i am definitely gonna make it a B D C gonna push my grades higher!

=D last lap, push hard. u too my friend.


haha... i guess of all my friends, the best 2 would prolly be desmond and kannan, remember i ever once told the both of u tt there's someone in church/school that's like u, both of u are alike.

anyway, juz wanna say thanks for always availling urself for me. yea... especially u des. u're in the army and all, u'd prolly need a friend more than i do. =) i'd be glad to be tt friend!

thanks kannan loads for the book! hahaha.. thanks a lot man! i appreciate it. can go exploring someday with tt book too!! wad's best is the map in it! haha.. gonna put it up with my other maps. =)

kk tt's all.


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