Wednesday, April 05, 2006


man! as i watched from behind i saw how they made the passes, it reminded me of how fast AC out their ball!

SEE!!! if we played as a team, not solo, we'd score tries!!! AND I'M SUPER PROUD OF MY TEAM TODAY! it has prolly boosted all our confidence. sometimes, i dun really like demoralising talks, cos it's really demoralising. (it's to wake us up though, but still...)

i dare to say cos i know i'm not te only one tt dislike this. yea... like a few times during cool down, and stuff, everyone's tired, cooling down, reflecting, and things had to be made worse. haha.. i dunnoe how to explain la. i kinda prefer it, "putting a point across but still encouraging." yea.. haha.. we know what we do wrong and stuff ya. i dunnoe how to explain. scared later pple get wrong idea, so i shall stop.

anyway, juz because of 1 miss pass i did, i felt the game i played was shitty. man... i couldn't help it. i juz wanted to run the ball cos it's open. yea.. it's juz me la.. seldom getting the ball so get ball muz chiong. den when i felt a grip, i turned to pass. actually i did look at my player before passing, was that fling that the opponent did that swung me and the ball...

actually, i shouldn't have let the shouts for passing get to me. (hahaha.. cos i'm the one complaining bout selfish play!!! =P) i would have go low and drive though... at least we wont send our ball flying back... haiz... sometimes i really have to access..

ok enough of rugby. i need some rest and get to my work! so much work!!! so little time!!!

and it's quite a shock tt me passing maths has like passed on like wild fire la!! hahahaha... ibrahim suddenly came up to me today and congratulate me! hahaha.. it's lie i'm S3, he's S1! lol!!! word flies FAST!

i'm happy myself la.. i got 50% (after re-calculating some marks.) wanna work hard man... somehow... diploma... the major killer.. thought it was easy, TILL THE TEACHER MADE IT DIFFICULT!!!!! WE'RE TAKING OUR A'LEVELS TOO, PLS!!!!!

looking forward to playing in semi finals...


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