Monday, March 27, 2006


hmmm.. guess paper today was easier than expected haha... dunnoe how i'd do...

i did not study for physics as i've been madly mugging for chem (in which i think i might do worse than physics). haha... yesterday i was also out with kannan and barely studied for it.

guess i read the right stuff last night. hehe..

den this morning, went to school early with lay kuen. ha... i woke up at 5.25 la!! so early... haha..

reached school, i was putting on my mp3, and i was studying. den suddenly i felt like listening to one of the christian worship songs. den i suddenly felt a gust of the Lords presence, and then it left. so i decided to put my book down. i juz prayed quietly and told God "Lord, i shall put my book aside and juz give u this few last minutes of my time."

then i began to feel God's presence again, feeling me soooooo fully. from head to toe. i felt the peace of the Lord, i juz wasn't tt worried about my physics exam anymore. i believed tt the amount of hardwork i've put into my assignments would be enough. so i juz sat there, and enjoyed my moment with God... ah...

i need you more than all else...............


ok, chem.. i'm a lil worried for chem because, though i've worked hard. i'm not working tt hard today. am very distracted. VERY!

dunnoe what's with me, but my mind's occupied, and i've got the sleeping bug in which is making me feel sleepy all day.

muz be the comforts of home...

i juz hope i wont be like this during the A's... good start but lost momentum.

juz have to clear my mind... ha... i need those pills again. my mind runs off too much and i get so easily distracted; my surroundings, my own thoughts...

ok, guess i'll go do something else but study. haha...


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