Saturday, April 15, 2006


alright, this is supposedly yesterday's entry. (friday)

sooooo yea, spent my day packing up a small area of my room. now the cabinets look a lil cleaner haha...

found a lot of old and sweet stuff... haha.. how naive i used to be, and how cute and i stalker i might be! hahahahaha!!! me ----> stalker? NAH!

ok, den watched the japanese dvd i borrowed from teacher. sooooooo moving... sooo sad... i bet every single time i watch it, i'd tear.... the name of the show is "the grave of the fireflies" i think haha... go check it out... about the life of the japanese during world war 2...

though they deserve the sufferingas they were the ones who started everything, but i feel tt it's really too sad..

maybe the japanese came up with tt show so tt pple will pity them hehehe... like, even though they made the world suffer, they themsleves had a whole deal of pain...

hmmm... yea... nice slow day.... napped quite a bit today. and my mom offed the router again, while i was DOTAing with the rest!!! argh!!!

nvm... ok, time for me to go to bed.. maybe tmr i'd go fishing hee!! =D jurong lake!


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