Friday, April 28, 2006


alright.. now i am beginning to regret signing up to go to batam. haha... i've got loads of work and tests coming up and i'm stuck in batam. it'll be kinda dumb to bring my books there... haha...


the last time, what inspired me to write an entry about how much girls are special and tt they are to be respected was triggered by my maid.

this time, i'm once again inspired by her to blog down how much it pays to be honest, a humble person with a contrite spirit.

and sooo... my maid washes the car every sunday morning, and on each occassion, she would meet this lady and would greet her. however, that lady often juz nodded her head and continued with her work while her husband would reply with a hi to my maid.

on a sunday morning 2-3 weeks ago, she walked to the washing bay to fill the pails with water before going to the car to wash it. there, she found a brand new samsung handphone. probably worth about $400. of course she was delighted! it's so rare tt she is able to set her hands on something sooo advanced and so she kept it in her pocket and continued filling up the pails.

just then she realised tt lady walking up and down, all around and suddenly realised tt she might have been looking for her handphone. inside my maid's heart, she was fighting such a great battle. because of her guilty conscious, her feets and hands went cold, her heart began beating so fast.

in the end, my maid called out to the lady, not even knowing if the phone belonged to her and asked if it was hers. indeed, the lady was looking for her handphone. the lady was overjoyed, and rewarded my maid with $50. soon, the lady gave her a new pair of shoes, a new blouse and pants. best of all, an aquaintance; a new friend found.

now, the lady would often greet my maid first when they see each other. with the money rewarded, my maid could pay up her missions faith pledge by faith. indeed God blessed her.

this is another story and it was before she gave her heart to christ.

my maid was working at a hotel in the past. one day, as she was cleaning up an american man's room, she found a stack of money on the floor. she stepped on it so that her partner would not know, and den picked it up and placed it in her pocket.

at that time, the american dollar exchange rate was really high. and with all that money, she could actually quit her job and go back home.

she kept the money with her for the night, thinking of what she wanted to do with it. as the night went on, she couldn't sleep. she was feeling so guilty, she couldn't eat. for one whole day, she asked herself if what she did was right.

the next day, she decided to go up to the room, and return the man his money. the man was sooo happy he told her that he would get her anything her children wants. at tt time, her child wanted a bicycle. and a bicycle costs a lot of money in indonesia. she told the man her chidren needed a bicycle.

and so, the next day, the american man brought her children out shopping. bought them a bicycle and once again, she has made another friend.

aint it just so wonderful to be honest and be blessed? it's a win win situation and it pleases God.

i am simply touched by her stories especially her faith. how God is working in her life ever since she came into my family and accepted christ. i really want to be like her. with God's hand of blessing upon my life. i really thsnk God for my maid i'll be real sad the day she leaves us though we are not very close but i love her around. make me feel less lonely at home. she's like a mother who cares too much.

i hope this 2 story has been such a blessing to those of u reading. i have one more story about something else but i'll write it when i get back, or in the morning before i leave.

batam... 3 days... haiz... i muz catch up with my work!


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