Friday, September 01, 2006

1st of september

alright! todays officially teachers' day! =DD

during our teachers' day celebration yesterday, i have come to a conclusion that.... millenians cant sing! hahaha...

i found this soooo funny

she's one of teachers, i forgot her name though...


oh well, it's also prolly cos we have an untrained AVIT crew in our school. we should send in the VFC video and sound crew ya!!! joel's group did quiet nicely just that it was too loud. for that one performance, i wouldn't mind mending the sound board for a while, so that the teachers wouldn't suffer under that noise! hahaha...

but one thing i realised, we can really dance! and those NOT in the modern dance group dances SOOOO MUCH better! hahahaha.... micheal jackson, as usual BUT this time he had that little devil! hahaha.. soooo cute!!!! today's hybrid dance performance was superb! and the modern dance, *boo~* hahahaha...

as i watched, i suddenly felt sooo talentless... i wish i could dance... man, it's so cool if i could do hip hop or break dancing. (i can only do a nice perfect baby freeze hahaha) man, i dun mind learning the one in which josh danced in, cha cha cha? or salsa? i have no idea. hahaha... oh well. i thought it's cool to be able to dance something.

we did not have aces day today as it was raining. HA! i'm happy but S2 girls, MAN! they came prepared! haha.. they wore clothes like cow girls did. cool! =) the hat and all.. nice! man, were they disappointed, oh well!

aint this just so cute. =)

so it's "be yourself day" today. we were allowed to dress in whatever we wanted. and i'm amused at how pple dress! haha... i saw one in IJ uniform, one really cool one who dressed like captain jack sparrow! then one in a red corset, translucent clothes, oh man... haha... talking about being urself, i'd rather not know! haha...

so for our teachers' day gift from our teacher, we recieved magnetites. haha... those on my ear. it had our names written on it. not an ideal gift, but real fun to play with! hahaha... i spent the whole time stealing others and fiddling with it, while mr chen was addressing the class. yes, i am easily amused. hahahaha...

anyways, that's about all for today.

my new favourite pic i took, i just wished it was clearer... =(

man, today ended sooo early and i felt soo good, i felt like going for a walk or something, but then again, alone... so i asked esther as usual haha... (thanks for always filling the spot when i have no one to go out with) but this time, she was gonna go out with her sec sch friends too... oh well...

nearly ended up walking home cos i felt like it. then the bus came. haha... save 2 hours of my day HEH! after today, means exams are coming... man...

wake me up when september ends...
or maybe not, cos this means A's are next on the list!
let me sleep and disappear....


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