Tuesday, August 22, 2006


so i went for my second check up today.

as i sat there, i wondered what tests they were gonna be doing and stuff, end up, i just had a short chat with the doctor before we were done. HA!

ok, so all these about me being in pes D was cause they had no idea where to put me. (thanks to my high myopia) so i went in, and the doctor said, "not to worry, nothing serious or anything......."

he was quite a nice guy, had that charisma thingy with him. haha.. den he went on "so because of ur high myopia, i think i might have to put u in pes B. but if u want, u could volunteer to join the commandos... or the navy diving unit."


so i told him the NDU, he turned to the comp "hmmm.... but it'll be hard for u to dive with ur specs on haha..." (like duh! den why u make me excited for no reason!)

i'm like "oh."

"i can see that u are disappointed" me ---> -_-"

of course i told him about how much i just wanted to join the navy, but to be a diver, man, i soooo wana learn to dive!

ah well. then he went on, "you could join the commandos but ur spectacles would be much of an obstruction. Alright then! i'll put u in pes B. u could still join the navy though."

ok, but actually it does not really bother me la haha.. i really hope to get into the navy cos i'd most prob love it there more than being on land. (or so i assume) and i LOVE THE SEA! (i do, i do, i-do i-do i-do) haha... we'll just have to see where they post me now.

ok, then i went down to outram to donate blood. was kinda fun la. haha... i have pics of my mom, but i'm just soooo lazy to upload.

ok, shall go play games. DEN study HAHA!


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