Tuesday, August 15, 2006


if u watched life story today, it was abigail chay.

if u do not know who she is, she is the one who always acts as the ugly and freaky one (just being factual here) in shows.

yea, it was kinda freaky at first when i learned about her story, how as a young boy, she'd have this feminine side of her and change her gender.

though it was freaky, the show expressed the unconditional love of her parents which was extremely touching. i mean, the kind of trauma they had to face, and the support they actually gave to abigail...

man, it's wonderful, how much our parents love us, yet we some times do not realise or like take their love for granted.

i was thinking of being a filial grandson a few days ago, hahaha.. which i nearly got myself into sooo much trouble. i just commented about staying with my grandma, through this 2 months to focus on my A's as there'd be no distractions, and i'd get to spend time with her while she's still around.

i love her a lot. and i use to remember those days when she'd buy me breakfast whenever i stayed over and all. or actually, my late granddad would. yea... i din know how to appreciate them initially, i always see my granddad as some one who'd pamper and love me. but i seldom reciprocate these feelings.

after he died, i realised how much i did not love him enough, and it hurts me so much. wish i could turn back time, he'd be the happiest granddad on earth!

anyway, if i do stay at my grandma's place, i'd prolly die living that olden days kind of life HAHA! last time it's because of boys club and the playground tt i stayed over. now i'm all grown up!

oh well....


Blogger Piggydives said...

Do you know that Abagail's mother is the cute Macdonald's old lady?


yup, that's her....:D

9:43 AM


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