Sunday, August 06, 2006


so like some times u wonder, how wondeful God is tt day after day he leaves behind his love message for u. and like any other times, how the sermon some how just seem to tie in to our daily needs.

i'm truly surprised tt through this period of time, with the many services i've skipped, i often some how go to the services which in some ways reach out to me. and it's sooo tinking wonderful how God knows. yes he does.
i've got to try to make it more of a point to go to church, because i love God, and because i want to see his purpose working in my life so tt i wont drift too far. (long sentence haha) i also pray that through hat ever struggles i go through, God will see me through, and tt i would have that joy of the Lord. (like always! hahaha) just tt i'm much sadder these days ha.

ok! so thanks to colleen for the mind map! haha.. man, i need it. and i'm gonna create one myself too. and yes, to dot! soooooo stinkng nice of u! haha... a letter/note/greeting card like this just makes me smile ha!

which reminds me, through these period of stress and boredom, i've been writing letters to some of my friends to like catch up with em and all, and i'm soooo happy tt some of these letters i sent, made them happy, or helped solve problems, especially, THAT specific letter. hahaha... u make sound as if it's some divine opportunity provided by God, maybe it is la =). i'm happy all is resolved! REAL HAPPY! makes me smile when i think about it. =DD

ok, more letters to some of u when i have the time!!! =D and stupid jackie, she thinks i'm stalking her when i asked for her add to send her the letter... haiz.... oh well! dinner!!!


see, when u're stressed, u tend to become suicidal and thinking tt becoming spiderman is the solutions to all ur problems hahaha...

how i wish i was a superhero hahahaha...

i can't stand it, i don't know how to do elucidation for chem, and like, i TOTALLY FORGOT ALL OF STATS! i'm like stats king in class at the start of the year and now, i'm like demoted to stats goon. HA! man...

i am trying soooo very hard to get it right and i'm soooo distracted. my morning was rather unfruitful. argh!

well, i'll take a short break and try again. stats test tmr, if i dun get it right today, i'm doomed to be down for another 1 and a half hour consultation.



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