Thursday, July 27, 2006


oh yes! i wanted to thank esther tan for smsing me this morning, wishing me well. i appreciate it a lot! it made me feel loved. ha... at least i know that i have a friend who would remember me. one who might as where i am if i wasn't around. ha... it's nice to have such friends. and this reminds me, i've been doing the same thing for the past week! hahaha... zash.. she did not believe i wrote her a letter, CAN U BELIEVE IT! hahaha... dropped by friendster, to write some friends testis, like yong hian from LONG time ago. haha...

but like what i have blogged below, it might have been a symptom of stress, but i wish to continue this habit as it makes me and my friends happy. especially those who replied saying they couldn't believe i would write to them, or those who simply reply to say thanks. haha.. it just makes me happy. =)


ok, i've got back the stress thingy worksheet. am watching lost now. and am stinking tired. just came back from night study, which was not exactly useful, but it helps in stress relief.

ok so here goes, my reacton and recovery.


  • Becomes more talkative
  • Releases nervous energy physically but in a more emotional way


  • Social time
  • Needs only a short time to recover from stress
  • Need to spend time with others by talking

yea... this kinda explains the need over the past 3 days for the need to talk. i was really desperate for contact with the outside world throughout my night at home. it's wierd how i felt uncomfortable and moody at home and not in school, until this analysis came out.

i remember trying to chat with different ones, dunnoe who to chat with, dunnoe anything till i called xw as my final measure. and i really REALLY thank her. cos i knew she would pick up the phone. and it really helped. i felt much better. and following some other events with this other friend, things became much more "lighter".

ha... anyways, i'm glad i dun feel the same way anymore. i feel real happy, especially today. walked into school with a smile. ha..

and i feel so sorry for ideal cos i kept disturbing him during night study. hahaha.. I CANT STOP TALKING!!! it's just soooo relieving. hahaha... shall write him a sorry note. but night study was fun la.. haha...

anyway, i'm trying my best to focus my time on studies, i was just thinking of how much studying isn't tt bad. and like, it's gonna be my hobby, or rather, it HAS to be my hobby, my past time. i know i can do it. somehow. or at least i know i've did my best after i recieve my results.

yea... neways, i forgot exactly what i wanted to say about my study thing but, am gonna continue watching LOST! ha...


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