Saturday, August 05, 2006


ok, so i was suspended yesterday, so stupid la. hahaha... vijey said something which was soo funny. miss lee asked me, why i was suspended, and vijey said "gabriel think he angel, angel angel ah, why will get suspended!" hahaha... yea, i DID wonder why i was suspended, i found out later it's because i skipped detention class which was because i skipped maths lesson sometime back. hahaha....

soooo... this is what did for the 4hrs+ suspension, besides studying tt is ha...

hmmm.. not so clear, haha.. but it is DOTTED out. literally! haha.... it prolly took me a million dots to complete this picture. but it's real size is prolly about 10cm in lenght. haha.. the picture makes it look BIG.

i just had too much time during suspension... ha..

then there's another pic. during parent's night, while waiting for my parents to come, i also had 4hrs++ to do another drawing. aha...

my class through my hp cam,

and then, the class through my eyes,

and then i realised, besides the tables, the rest of the class is inproportionate in my drawing. haha... also, if u realised, i used scribbled lines for almost every line. almost non of them are straight lines, however in the pic osome of em do. ha...

hmmm, i just realised that for a picture to be real cool, (to me tt is) we should not use the conventional of drawing lines. haha... i think dots are really nice, like the seashell. and the dots, was an inspiration after seeing christina joy's picture. hahaha..

oh well... this is what i love to do when i'm bored and not studying =D


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