Thursday, April 05, 2007


today was another wonderful day!

i am just feeling sooo happy these past few weeks/days so much so, i just wanna do something for pple around me to make them happy too! =D

itsumo itsumo warattete

anyways, caught pathfinders today. gory, brutal show give it a 2/5 not tt nice. but it's ok la, some may enjoy. i think it lacks the display of strategy, though there's a little.

so... this would prolly be the last time anders and i go out for now. hahahaha... am gonna miss him, dunnoe how we got hooked up after the As and began hanging out quite a bit, but it's cool.

oh well... i decided to do what readers' digest say "live each day as if it's ur last" and it seems to be making me much more happy! hahahaha... i feel that my days are fulfilling days. worth the living. then just nice, i read another article about 1000 marbles. how we have only 3900 saturdays in a lifetime and tt we should spend them wisely. life's short on earth, we'd spend eternity in heaven, scary huh HA!

oh well! time for bed. have been sleeping at this unearthly time for quite sometime and now i cant sleep till about 2+. shall just lie around and wait for myself to enter dream world...

ah... have been having sweet dreams...=D


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