Sunday, April 08, 2007


today's my grandfather death anniversary, so went down to the columbarium today. i kind of like that place hahaha.... wierd huh. but it has the real eerie quietness and stillness which seems rather peaceful. and everytime i go there, it seem to rain ha....

ok i am just sooo glad i managed to go to the edge!!! i dunnoe... just glad. but i was too tired at that time... just kept zoning off... i really thought i could not make it. just as usual, sermon and all really reflects how i feel. and recently i've also learnt that God speaks to his people through many various ways. one is through the word, other ways are through sermons, lessons, life experiences etc. so always pay attention to the preacher! hahaha...

neways, after tt, i had to meet some friends... it's nice that we met up. have to thank miss kai ling for the easter egg she made me. it was really well done, and beautifuly designed. THANKS! =)

guess today wasn't tt bad after all =)


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