Thursday, January 13, 2005

continued from juz now..

ahh.... i've juz rushed my dinner finish cos i want to spend quality time with my comp haha... now i'm drinking marigold's mix berry yoghurt drink.. ahh... heavenly... ok so back to what's on today.

today was early cos i'm gonna recieve another trophy!! haha.. this time's for rugby. remember?? tt time like a month or 2 back, we were bowl champions haha... (sounds like we came in first lol!) so recieve prize le den go back class. mr chen was like "so tmr going up again for another trophy??" haha.. like i'm some kind of tian cai!? haha... there's still one more thing i've not gotten though.. dunnoe when they're giving it out..

anyway, today's real cool. was sooo relaxing had an enjoyable time with everyone.. but i cant stop thinking of home and maple!!! haha.. i want to play maple!!! ok let's skip everything and go to home tutors' period haha... i was like outside with kira and i DUN WANT TO GO TO CLASS cos luke skywalker is inside! so i juz squat at the corridor so tt he cant see me hahahahahaha!!! in the end, kira joined me and his legs were tired squating, so we sat there haha.. like kena punished haha... i juz sat there and watch all the yr ones go by... like more girls den guys ar... haha.. soon i felt guilty staying out so long so i went back in. BAD IDEA!! me, kira, josh and kai had to go out and join him for a small talk about our hair. haha.. me and kira bad example liao lorz like tt, haha.... so he was like commenting non stop till kira cant stand it haha.... so he juz sent us up to the toilet and got our hair 'done' haha... so kira came back more spikier than before, i came back making my hair nicer than before haha... so juz like tt lor..

so we were doing something about class targets and stuff la.. everything, we say luke chen hahaha.. like he ask "what should the teacher do to help their students" den i was like dun be so petty? the others were like saying other stuff but i forgot haha.. everything is to shoot him one haha.. so funny. so nvm... we juz got things done and i left the class..

blah blah blah.... soooo many things happened common test and all.. i was like sleeping through half way of my compo for GP. i din finish my chinese paper cos i din feel like doing it anymore... so i juz stared into space and think, think, think.... haha.. soon paper ended and SLs had to stay back for picking excos... doubt i want to be one or will be one. got too many things... dunnoe if i should start quiting something or push on.. haiz... it'll make me look irresponsible if i cant finish a project due to another cca... haiz... problem!!!

anyway, we were on our way home... so kira told me something which got me thinking a lot! cos it's like not only him and not only tt person but others telling me and stuff... have i changed!? haha... i dunnoe... this whole yr is like i have become naruto. i worked hard and i achieved. and became noticed? yea.. it's true tt in the past i lack lots of attention. i am happy but i feel all wierd... i guess only corinne noes why... i dun have confidence in myself... i remember during net leader's training.. there's this thing that was said to us by our teacher during our short intercession period. i felt tt it was shot at me.... God has been opposing my tots all the time.. aint the first time already. wadever i have in mind and is a worry for me, he'd use someone to speak to me through a prophesy.. it's like the 4th time this has happened to me.. some of u guys noe la. especially the indo trip pple... i am having to much lack of confidence in myself and every single thing i told corinne that night was shot back at me telling me i dun have to worry. i dun need to blend in. i've blended in enough. haiz... dunnoe how to explain now... i juz have to have confidence in myself now...

so... i was juz thinking about everything on my way back... guess i've changed from last yr... changed for the better... i think... now i juz have to be hard working and work on my studies!!


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