Thursday, January 06, 2005

Orientation day 3..

ha.. final day of orientation.. finally the end of my lack of sleep and body aches... haha... have to like stand whole day, go home ar, sleep liaoz, next morning leg muscle ache lol.. haha... today was like the best of all 3 days cos we finally kinda got to bond and stuff.. was nice... ha.. so about today.........

ok.. first of all, i was late once again cos i overslept. haha.. man.. reached there like half an hour later.. hee.. i noe likevery irresponsible ar... but i cannot tahan liaoz... nvr wake up so early in a long time liaoz.. not used to it haha... so like i reached and everyone was assembling.. i had to rush and dump my stuff and go straight up to the hall... i was in quite a mess man... zzz.... ( i noe u guys might see a lot of '...' that's because i'm real sleepy now, and the three dots represent the mood i'm in now haha... sleepy mood..)

ok... today was suppose to be a short day with not much programmes planned except for the tele-death match and the mascot comp haha... our mascot wears a tube!! haha!!! den on this tube, hangs many pieces of furry cloth as fur for our deer... haha.. ( if u guys dunnoe, our mascot is a deer.. haha.) so...... had to dress him up and stuff but it was quite a problem la.. so troublesome.. haha... den, had to rush all over the place... "tight schedule guys! tight schedule!!"---- phrase adapted from johnny and muthu. haha... those lil kids of my OG can be real slow! but nvm la.. at least we were not alwasy the latest.. haha.. OG1 was always the latest. but they have bonded real well. haha.. first day lynette like complaining like siao her OG got prob.. (OG1) but den in the end, she win most improved OG haha..

ok, so had the tele-death match.. i think those guys had fun man... it was dirty, wet and messy haha.... (sounds wrong) what i meant was mud! cos SOME pple might mis interpret my words. later i'll continue on this. ok, so the tele-death match went quite well but too slow. that was why we could not continue with the other 2 games sianz.... haiz.... so disappointing.. but being the first few of the 30 OGs, we had the earliest and longest break haha.. cool! i let my group off to go play ball den i went to the hall to join the other SLs and SCs haha...

in the hall, we were having a hell lot of fun man!!! haha.. so many things happened but it's bed time.. (aww....) in the end, i went down to have my lunch. so decided to try the laksa haha.. we have a new noodles stall cool.. haha.. saw michelle there ha... she ordered the same cool... the laksa not bad la. better than the last time haha.... so after finishing my lunch i had to meet up with the other SLs.. here's when the big problem started.

my dumb dumb OG sooo slow! cos after tt briefing i had with the other SLs, we had to assemble!! argh!! i was like die liaoz... they were in class trying to dress up the mascot again! wah... sianz.. all the OG down except mine and i dun have my OG card cos those dumb SCs (the ruggers) hid my OG card! bleah... so i had to go up and bring them down.. man.. i nearly flared.. ha.. but i'm not the type of guy who flares easily ha... i guess i dun do it cos i feel tt when others like as in the other leaders, or SCs or wadever group leader does it, it pisses me off. i feel that they very act like kind of attitude so i dun do such thing haha... like showing attitude ar.. i find it ugly.. damn ugly.. ha...

but anyway, i went up and rushed them down. den after everyone's settled down, this really big bumble bee came by ahahaha *buzz buzz* it kinda became like a mother nature ice-breaker thingy ahahahahahahahaha!!!! evryone was screaming and dodging and having sooo much fun lol! den it's like a wave. where ever the bee went, everyone would duck and scream hahaha!! so maybe the bee felt that it had some kind of supernatural powers tt causes this waves, tt's why it kept circling round wuahahahahaha!!! nothing to be scared about, cos if a bee stings u, they die... get it? so they wont sting u. cos they have not enjoyed life!! ha!

anyway, all of the OGs were brought up to the hall den we had some performances from the SCs. after tt, it was our turn for our intro. haha... man.. i think our intro went quite well haha.... they seem to enjoy it haha... it was quite cool lah the finale..

after tt, was the last part.... taking of our OG photos.. had fun doing it la. was crappy haha... den we went to the hall to settle our contact list and group outing.. guess we were going for a dinner too.. ha... gonna be steam boat? ha... some of u guys would be like "what!? steamboat again!?" haha... the only thing i like and it's fun haha... sat down chat with the left overs of my OG after releasing the rest haha... so only the BPGH girls (Kim and jieying) were there and delphine and and kat and 4 boys(ben, elwin, arthur and.. erm.. chor kiat? i forgot his name haha..) so we were juz chatting and spotting babes haha... i din have the chance to do it only after orientation den i had the chance to sit down and look around. haha.. i also like not very interested in looking around ha.. i believe tt what's nice would come my way by itself haha.. but nothing to my liking lol.. have to agree many really good ones there, but i'm picky lol.. some too chio? hahahahaha!! kim and jieying were like saying i very picky haha... but they help me do spotting which made things easier fer me hahaha....

ha ok! back to the part where pple misinterpreted me haha... ok i was at the SC den area den i asked zhi wei for one of the jelly thingy. haha.. so i opened it and u noe, the juice splurted out like that haha.. so everyone was like staring at me cos it went like that and landed on Xiao Xuan lol!! so i was trying to explain cos dunnoe hu say i rub too hard. DOTZ! (for u guys info, i din do anything to it k! i juz opened it. nothing else. the rest is pple add one.) so i said, "when it's hot, it'll expand." den the rest went "ya la! when it's hot, it'll expand." DOTZ! ( haha... ec would go chirp chirp chirp or erp erp erp haha ) i din mean it that way k! i was really talking scientifically i promise! is u all ar.. haiz... think too much haha..

den talk to my OG mateys about some stuff and all lor.. nothing much le.. play rugby, go church for seminar already half dead. and finally go home yay!!! going to go sleep le.. so good night pple... sweet dreamx....


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