Wednesday, January 12, 2005


ok.. today's entry is titleless cos i dunnoe wad to type today.. but i still have to update it haha.. so here goes... ok.. i was once again unable to wake up!! i reached school juz in time, saw chor kiat and told him about the bp girls. about their hair thingy so he passed it to me to lend them but i could not find em. anyway, thank goodness!! cos i typed this, i have reminded myself to bring for them tml.
(ahhh.. my dad like got so much wine home since christmas, i am having wine like water... hehehe...)

ok. back from packing the spray and all. sooo... let's continue.. i reached juz on time today and everyine was like lining up. haha.. i was like oh no!! late liaoz.. den i chiong and line up. suddenly, i remembered!! today prize presentation for my entrepreneur competition!! so i had to rush in front to find them. but! i could not find them *panics* so i looked around and i think hui wen told me they were on the other side!! man.. i din dare to go over... so i anyhow stand in front of some other classes haha... in the end, manage to get to them and things went on smoothly.. *phew* haha...

hmmm.. i juz remembered something. while i was on my way to school today, i was like still half asleep in my dad's car.. we juz dropped off my sis. den as we moved on to keat hong LRT, i saw this girl haha.. wearing PJ uniform. but like i said, i was half awake/asleep so it juz looked like some figure in the desert walking haha... but as my dad's car moved by, it's like some kind of movie scene. where time juz pauses and u look out and then there.... COLLEEN! hahahahaha... it's like really how i saw things. haha... really too tired ar....

ok back to where i left off juz now. sooo... went back to class for lessons and stuff.. chinese passed faster than i can imagine. she's in a good mood today. so i managed to spend most of my time sleeping. today, i'm gonna sleep early le... cos if not tml cannot reach school on time. got another prize presentation for rugby one. i need to be there by 7.30 am... zzzz... scared i late ar.. (so now i'm taking a depresant, hopefully it'll make me sleep haha...)

ok... breaks today were like never ending, i dunnoe y.. i juz felt that it juz lasted real long haha.. after tt, was presentation for project work. i was the second presentor. given 3 mins, i finished in 2 haha.. so comments for my presentation. i was SHY!? hahahahaha u muz be joking!! and i was touching my collar the whole time and i din realise it ahahahahaha!!! juz a bad habit la haha... but overall, i was kinda short on points but i think i did fine...

ok. let's skip to the end of the day. haha... had physics lecture which spoiled my whole day cos i was planning on going out with my OG!!!! anyway, i was totally switched off by then so i was either chatting away or juz sleeping haha.. and lay kuen said i reminded her of joash!? wad!!!?? cos he sleeps a lot!? haha... and she said he's a small kid ahahahahaha!!!! joash!!! hahaha.. ya la.. u do look small la haha... so i think i chatted a lil too much. i was juz having fun with clinton and kelv chatting about naruto haha... den we were like naming everyone with a character from naruto haha... LAME!! i noe! i started it wad.. hahahaha....

eventually, lecture ended and i chiong home ar!! i took sam's car back.. anyway, i'm gonna watch naruto a lil more den go to bed.. nitez pple!!


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