Saturday, January 08, 2005

weekends finally!!

ah... finally tml's saturday.. man.. it's so torturing to wake up soo early everyday... somemore i am like having so much exercise without enough rest.. haiz... today i had soo much fun playing rugby haha... but i got a lot of injuries ar... my feet kenna stepped on by boots during tackle practice, my arm's bruised and swelling, my hand has internal bleeding and my knee!!! stupid knee.. hold me back from running haiz.... but, i still had soo much fun depite the injuries... have to rub rub rub and rest haha...

soooschool today was quite cool.. i love the time table.. 2 periods lecture, P.E., break den lecture again. shiok ar haha...but i am having a lil bit of problems absorbing what is taught and i sooo stupidly left all my notes in school. haiz.. haha.. heck la... i'll study using TYS.

ahh... my mom's finally back.. i have been wearing my contact lens all these while with no where to store it cos my mom took the contact lens cover with her... haiz.. my poor eyes... breathe! breathe in air!!! man.. my eyes are like suffocating.. ha...

man... i am really moody now i guess it's because i'm real tired after training and all and cos of onemore thing but... heck la... i dun think too much le... life's so pain at times haiz..

anyway, i got my jeans le!!! i went to collect it juz now with kira cos we went for dinner. haha.. looks quite good leh! cant wait to wear it haha... man... it'll be sooo cool. but i dunnoe wad to wear it with yet.. haha... so silly... have to go see see my drawer later le... talking about dinner, tt kira dunnoe why so hungry order 2 meals at LJS and he finished it!! haha... but the funny part was the drinks he ordered.. lol! 2 meals means to drinks and he upsized them haha... (argh! i juz swing my chair and kena my foot! den i bent my knee!! stupid sooo pain!)

zzzzz..... i to lazy to type le... the 5 round run kinda tire me a lot... making me feel soo lazy... haha...


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