Thursday, January 20, 2005

Freezing Hybernation

man... i'm soooo cold, sooo cold... it's like 6 am now on a wednesday morning. yesterday din type cos i'll tell u later haha.... but anyway, today's gonna be one hell of a day. cos i've got training!!! zzzzz... i noe i'm usually excited about it.. but at my current condition.. NO! i'm feeling tooo weak and tired now... i need lots of rest...

ok so let me tell u about yesterday. haha... nothing much happened i guess.. the other 7 candidates and i were introduced to the school and i think i made a real funny entrance?? i dunnoe.... but anyway, the whole day juz went on as usual except for the presidency and voting thingy pple are talking about... i juz feel pai seh when pple talk about votings and stuff and words juz cant come out my mouth for example, when hazwan came to me and said in front of basitd! " i vote for u la dun vote for basitd." i was like erm.. ok.. but what i really wanted to say was "u should support ur classmate wad..." but things like happened so fast till i cannot generate words in my mind haha... den tt stupid joshua thing!! he also made fun of me cos i say him also la.. den he shoot me "u better sit down before u lose 24 votes!" haha.. i wanted to shoot back. but again, my brain slow cos talking about voting, a very sensitive issue hahaHAHAhaha... i wanted to tell him tti din need his vote haha.. and i still have some pple i noe who would ote for me ha! but anyway, that guy tried to use the same technique on me. hehe... this time, of course i was prepared la! haha... i told him i din need his INSIGNIFICANT vote hahaha... and den i cant remember who la.. helped me finish off... i think was kannan or sam or some girl from S2 la... that person said "ha josh. i'll still vote for gabriel so he nvr lose his votes" haha....

anyway, muz start learning to be bhb liaoz.. but i dunnoe how to do ar... slowly la.. muz say myself until so good.. i think i'll juz say my current good characteristics.( which i may not have many...) haiz....

ok.. yesterday like i left the LT very late ar... den no one go home with me.. only got those girls left.. so i juz went with them... i was asking them if they wanted to eat nachos hahaha.... anyway, at the bus stop, saw tee wei and lays they all come out so i happy la. go with them. ha.... stupid. now got this dumb thing about me and kumari. ha. so, i was juz walking down with them and disturbing lays and kumari haha... they 2 very fun to disturb one. hee... but we broke into 2 halfway la cos the bus came. so i took the 77 bus up and eneded up with all the girls again.. hahaha....
went home with em.. din eat nachos. reached home about 5+pm. watch 1 naruto cd and was too tired to continue so i went to bed.... i woke up juz this morning to bathe hahahahahaha!~! man.. it's soooo cold... maybe i'll go to school today with my jumper.. haha... finally will wear it to school...
i think i'll stop here... it's 6.25am already so shall go get ready and stuff.... see u pple in school!


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