Friday, January 14, 2005


did i spell it correctly?? ok i dunnoe wad's going on la but when i left school today, and was stopped by johnny. he said he had something to tell me. he said "u'll be traumatized." huh??? wad is tt suppose to mean?? man... it got me thinking about it all the way home haha... so first thing that came to my mind huh?? my punishment?? (cos i was punished today. i'll say later.) den hidayu said "u'll find out tml..." huh??? so wad is that supposed to mean?? exco thingy?? man.... den finally, i came to a conlcusion on the train. it could be the camera! i saw them looking at something before i was stopped... damn it looked familiar. the camera which was taking secret shots. i think it was tt one.... i think they were viewing some video or something. if i'm wrong, den it muz be the other 2 liaoz... ha... make me want to find out even more... but i'll noe tml la i think...

anyway, today was a lousy day for me haha... i woke up thinking it was a saturday or something and went back to bed hahaha..... so of course after sometime, it hit me tt today was not a holidayh so i woke up and got changed and stuff... hmmm.. i cant remember much about today... but i was punished!! wait wait wait before that, hahaha... luke chen said i was asking good questions during physics haha... now for the bad part. i was punished!!! wad happened was tt, i did not finish my SRP work. i did most of my application but not the vocab part. damn it! he wants the damn vocab part! i think... i mean.. i have always been doing the application part then the vocab ma... and i read properly before doing so if i do a bit slow forgive me la! not all of us finished our work and he said he 'read' through everyone else ha! FUNNY! what crap! actually i was save yer noe... he put down my paper and walk to kai ling's. i din noe he was such an unreasonable person. so i open my damn mouth and said. "i have not finish last point" DAMN IT! he made me stand and sent me out of the class!!! ok la.. i din mind it at first... but during maths. i got soo pissed off.. i think it was because i was trying to tell him most pple din finish and kelv and saddiq felt that i was saboing others. but i was trying to help them. at least vijay agreed with me... but den kelv was trying to tell me we were sent out cos we din finish vocab. ya i understand. but i juz want to state my point cos if i din open my mouth, he'd ignored me and walk away! argh!!!

so i could not concentrate in maths.. went to sleep.. thank goodness, mr saw is a nice guy... man.. i love saw... no, hokage saw. hahahaha!! i din even bother to do the test today cos i noe nothing. so i put it aside, went out to drink water came back and did differentiation. after some time, i juz ended up chatting with saw, clinton saw about maple haha....

after school had to meet the rest about the banner thingy. hope no one screws up the buying of the clothe... man. i'm worried... i'm so busy.. it's like i'm suppose to meet my e-club guys to get jia li teach us something but i got this banner thingy... den so lil pple came down. thanks to those that came down i appreciate it. and since mannan stepped down, i have prob handling the publicity commitee so i was checking with miss lee if like maybe hui wen should help me. cos i think she has really good leadership qualities. too bad she din made it through interview. or maybe she din want to be part of the SCs... haha.. but if i did have an assistant, den i can juz pass most of my jobs to that person and be off with my other cca's but miss lee say that i should distribute work load... so did hui wen.. ha.. but i am a soft hearted person. haha.. i cant bear to say it out to get someone else to do the work.. tt's my weakness and i'm gonna change man.. cant let pple push me around.. starting to hate it...

anyway, i'll juz stop here and get back to enjoying life at home... see u guys tmr!


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