Wednesday, March 02, 2005

work work work!

damn it. being an SC is a super tough job. even after putting in our 100%, we are soo not appreciated, and expected to do more! damn it! i already did my best today. damn teachers who dun trust us... u make me soo mad!

anyway, mdm M called me juz now about 10pm... so we had a good nice talk. i mean it is like soo unreasonable of the teachers to make us work sooo hard. they know we need helpers, so go get it for us! wad!? u mean we also have to do tt ourselves?? ok lor... do ourselves. but who come and help!? and if it is something important, we'd do our 100% right? so i was telling her la... is like we planned to complete half, but we took the initiative to complete more than 3 quarters lor! it was definitely my/our max cos look at the hall, almost more than half is brought out by me. i had to carry them out. and those damn teachers thought wad 3 chairs at a time!? ya right! i carried them pile by pile! pile of 10 up to 15 chairs per pile! u think wad!? my fingers made of metal ar!? not pain ar!? i was like tottaly dirty, breathing in bacteria and dust. even now my throat feels uncomfortable and i have a constant craving for water.

and it's like there only about 5 of us doing up the chairs. u want us to arrange about 700 chairs in a day!? we like did more than half den mr cheng come in ask us to do finish. even after i've bathed and plan to go home! damn it! imagine wad happen if i went for physics review and debate, i'd never get to finish! and mr cheng and luke chen still dare come to me tell me not to excuse myself!? luke chen even talked to me after tt, asking me to write a letter. of cos i was soooo pissed, i couldn't help but shouted back and tell him to talk about it tml cos i was damn angry already. i want to say sorry la of course cos he's quite poor thing la.. though he can be quite a jerk at times. ask kira haha.... always hitting him hard.. haha.... ha... i'm laughing now.. haha.. gues i not angry liaoz...

the power of blogging. hahaha!!

also she was angry at me before we left remember? cos she wanted me to come earlier and stuff to do printing. but how long could printing a few pieces of paper be... i mean.. i know what i'm doing. trust me to do it. the only urgent thing i needed to print was the sitting arrangement which kum was gonna bring early tml. so why force me to come early! at least she said sorry for that. so i'm like ok... in my mind was like, u are forgiven. haha... i'm not angry anymore. dun worry k cher. i noe wad i'm doing juz trust us all to do it.

ok at least i got it settled with mdm M. at least she knows tt both she and cheng has gone a lil too far. so it's settled. they know wad to do in future. juz trust us. i even told her. i worked with my e-club members and i barely have teachers interupting which kinda of allow us to achieve yer noe. i like to work with others to produce results. tt's why i joined the SC for a greater and constant challenge. (tt's wad i actually said in the interview hahahaha..)

so.. i shall try to forget wad happened today and start again.

P.S. thanks to all that helped shantini, hazwan, adlina, syazana, taufiq. thx.. and the rest too k.


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