Sunday, May 22, 2005


haha.. today's sermon's something about being addicted to the holy spirit. haha.. juz some stuff i wanna share with u guys which i heard during the sermon...

did u noe, 500,000,000,000 msgs were sent in the year 2004?
out of which, (i forgot how many % hehe..) were used for sending breakup msgs.

did u noe the word "sex" is the mpst common word searched on search engines?
(it out numbered searches such as games, travel, jokes, music, entertainment.... COMBINED!)

cant remember wad else nice he said but anyway, there's this part where jeremy talked about his lifestyle haha.. i am soooo like him when he was young. i am such a silly guy in school, words juz come out from my mouth juz to make myself (and hopefully others) laugh hee.... i'm soo like him cos, i dun juz make fun of small people, but BIG guys too.. especially MO! hahahahahahahaha!!! see, there i go again haha... i love mo, yet, we love making fun of each other. hahahaha!!

dun u guys agree with me? like wad saha said. i'm juz some silly guy tt pops out of no where and i'd most probably cheer everyone up haha... doing silly stuff of course. i'll nvr grow up hahaha.... i am nvr serious, so dun take me seriously k! (actually, there's no need for me to say this cos all of u noe already haha....)

i'll continue cheering u guys up cos it's my hobby. but i shall have to stop those really, erm.. "unholy" ones... hehe.. shanaz.. hehe.... it's juz soo irrisitible when she starts erm.. erm.... ya, u guys noe la. (u noe, lemons and melons hahaha....) i juz have to disturb her. cos it's like, show off!! hahahaha!!! no la.... shanaz. i juz joking k.

okok.. i wanna go back and maple liaoz... so shall stop here....
(really feel like playing rugby now.. haha...)


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