Tuesday, May 17, 2005


ok.. i'm kinda watching this korean show.. haha.. it's like about this guy and a girl who kinda decieved each other about their status, but in actual fact, their juz 2 normal person.. haha... and it's quite embarrassing to say this but, it has kinda placed in me this lovey dovey mood.. haha...

first off... haha.. i would like to talk about miss how cos.... i think she's really, really sweet! *aww...* even saha share the same views as me.. best part, i dunnoe if he did it on prupose but he said that she was cute, kinda loud enough for her to hear.. haha...

man... it's like really a dream come true if i was like her age and like we're dating or something lol! haha.. me and my dreams again.. haha... but! now, she's juz eye candy k! NOTHING HOR! dun make me embarrassed in front of her...

hmmm... haha.. i heard something real funny today which made everyone laugh during GP.. and maybe it explains for kelvin and clinton's closeness hahahahaha!! they make a good pair! ok i know this sounds sick so those who dun wanna know, skip it k! hahaha... it goes like this.

Clinton Saw,
Kelvin Wang (read it as a sentence and think crooked hahahahaha!!!)

man.. mr foong was like "huh!? clinton and kelvin w***????!!" hahahahaha!!

soo ya.. it's silly and thanks to miss lee who pronounced it that way...

kk.. morning was raining and it's like the perfect day to stay home and sleep lor!! haiz.... but while i was in the car, den i heard this beetles song which i really like hahaha!! it's called yellow submarine.. haha.. sooo cool... gonna go look for it..

hmmm.. back to the lovey dovey mood... haha... i dunnoe la.. but i have not felt this way for a long long time... the last time was when i first knew esther... but of course it's not miss how la! haha... dunnoe la... maybe i'm juz silly.. or i'm juz scared... have a slight feeling things might repeat itself... sooo.. best is to juz wait. =) haha...

kk... gonna let my mom use the comp liaoz.. wanna focus for tml's game too... very important to me.. to navin, to the rest of the team. i know i'm gonna play my best. now, it's up to everyone else to work as a team and have that team feeling.. soo ya.. bb!


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