Saturday, June 18, 2005

Lead by Christ

i am really thankful and happy to have accepted Jesus in my life. things have really changed a lot. this whole week have really been very prophetic, it's like the timing's juz right... i dunnoe how to explain. but every service i attend has something tt speaks to me, unlike the usual where i'd juz listen and learn more. this time, it speaks.

through out this one week, i was lead to read the book of Acts during my devotions. and the book of Acts tied in with everything i've been learning and doing. it muz be the holy spirit tt lead me to the book of Acts at the start of this week. David Albritton is juz like Peter, somehow, they have similarities on how they strongly go against the enemy. powerful pple filled with the holy spirit.

yesterday morning, David was speaking on how God provided everything for him haha... soo cool. he wanted what i want!!! a house by the beach, a dock at the back of his house where he can fish and guess wad, HE GOT IT! God asked him what he wanted and David told God about all these and he got them! our God is a God that gives and bless! if u submit ur life to Him, what is there to worry? He'll bless you imensely!

i too want the same thing... i'm juz waiting for God to ask me "what do u want?"


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