Thursday, July 07, 2005

So far till now..

so far till now, there are lots of thing i need to say haha...

first, i'm most probably screwed for my project work... cos there's such a sport as underwater rugby!!! arh... ha... doomed!

den for these few days, i realised tt sitting alone gives me lots of thinking space and helps me in my studies... definitely aint influenced by the fact tt everyone's sleeping around me... haha.. so i'm awake, studying, and not caught up in the small chats. haha... cool right. however, things changed.. i may not be sitting alone already... guess, mr chen moved things back.

ha.. i guess, i kinda like the feeling of being lonely again... haha.. wierd right? but it's comforting to me..

one last thing i wanna leave for most pple and probably pple from S3

Do not take kindness for granted.
it's something i definitely do appreciate but wad i see in class, pple are juz taking advantage of it... so.. next time, when a friend is trying to be nice or a teacher, DUN PUSH IT!
just a gentle reminder la... heh...
yea.. ha... i guess tt's all i feel like saying... so ya.. ha... take care ppl!


Blogger DieuxJesmen said...

Underwater Rugby??? Is that possible??? Well, I can only say its very interesting. Will take up this sport if it ever exist. Ha ha! You have supporter for your project already. If you think its possible, just go all your way to make it works, it will be too late to change anyway. I've been alone throughout my life. Are you sure its good? I agree to your point that people should not take things for granted. I will have to tolerate whenever my class asked too much for something from teachers. Arghhh...! All the best for your project work, and if you need anyone for survey or something, you can always ask me. Ha ha!

8:27 AM


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