Saturday, July 02, 2005

wa.. tired arz...

ha... today's quite a nice day la overall haha... got to do some chem practice which i still suck at it la... haiz... need to work harder..

soo... rugby training was great, except my 2 old knee and ankle injury are having probs.. especially ankle... but i had lots of fun playing touch la! haha... wanted to do some bastarding but failed la haha... nearly score man.... nvm... dun wan to tok about such sensitive issues hahaha...

oh ya... hahah han chin!!! haha... major killer man... i dunnoe but something happened to my vein. when i hit his tackle shield, wah.. arm cannot move ar!!! kena vein! den little finger paralysed.. but after a while ok le.... haha... stupid sia...

haiz... nothing much to type le.. except i need to get my sleep... man.. my body's giving off a lot of heat. and i mean ALOT!!! soo uncomfortable... my head burning up... today hot day for training ar...

ok.. gonna remove the previous entry cos it's affecting the feng shui of my blog haha...soo ya... see u guys soon!


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