Friday, June 24, 2005

I'm here to blog, because I'm bored!

ha.. ok.. really am bored man... guess i'm gonna go study soon too... haha... it's gonna be super intensive 4 hrs but not straight la haha... breaks in between...

hmmm.. for the past 2 days, my hp batt has not been charged haha... cos i have no msgs!!! so boring... haha...

being home and alone really aint too bad... get to do the things u want, get to spend more time with urself and definitely with God, cos u're bored! haha...

and as i was reading the bible juz now, something juz came into my head... haha.. u noe, some religion, i believe we pray to the same God. the only thing is, through who.

catholics, mother mary, muslims, prophet mohamad (hope it's the correct spelling..) christians, jesus. but all in all, our God is the same. so isnt it tt all of us can go to heaven? the only thing is, as a christian, (btw, christianity aint a religion but a relationship with God through jesus. right?) we have jesus as our so-called lawyer. because He is the son of God. we noe tt Jesus died and rose from the dead to be with God right? so ya, Mary's up there too.. perhaps if prophet mohamad believed in God, he's there too. but because Jesus is the Son of God (in which everyone knows right?) he gets a say to what He wants to do with His people who believes in Him.

In other words, though God may judge us, Jesus is at His right hand saying, "this is my child and i have died for him on the cross and so my blood has clensed him of his sins." and so, we as christians enter heaven. as for the others... i dun think Mary would have a say in this even though she's in heaven... and ya... so... we all can actually go to heaven! isn't tt right!? juz tt, maybe catholics and muslims would have to be sinless in the eye of God. so if they ask God for forgiveness, i guess they too can go to heaven right?

cos i was reading abt king herod. though he judge christians and persecuted them, erm... i dunnoe la... haha. forgot wad i was thinking, but this thought came to me as i read the last part where:

when king herod was talking to the crowd, they said,
"this must be a word from God!"
but because king herod did not praise God,
an angel of God struck him down.
and his body was consumed by worms.
u see, herod persecuted christians but was spared by God. cos he's still allowed to praise God. if he praised God though.. he wouldn't have died... arrogant fool...
anyway, i'm not sure of wadever im writing here... juz wrote it down for fun cos i have no one to tell to since my mom is in thailand.. haha... so i might be wrong k.


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