Tuesday, July 12, 2005

woot!~ over with!

man.. i'm happy tt today's over with!! haha... chinese and physics. haha... so ya, thanks for ur prayers and support especially des and gracie! haha... think i'll do well cos God's holding y hands ya des! hahahaha... and ya, i will nvr win lottery gracie, sad to say... haha... cos i'll nvr buy 1! haha..

i believe tt i'm gonna do well for chinese haha.. cos i felt tt i did quite a good job on it. haha... but i dunnoe la.. juz feel tt way abt my compo. heh.. as for physics, i'm mentally prepared cos i did not study much for it, cos of my horrible sat and sun.. haiz... but it's ok, cos it's my fault tt i'm not working hard on it.

sooo, i'm glad tt exam's gonna be soon over.. but tt means.... miss how's gonna leave MI!!! aww.... tt's soooo sad... she's staying for night study today which really made me feel like staying haha... cos it's like the last time man... aww.... she's like the sweetest teacher in MI! haha... especially her smile. lol!! it's heavenly hahahaha....

but i need to go home and rest la... haha... i really need my home.. need to recuperate haha.. cant wake up this morning even though i had 6 hrs of sleep la! i woke up early to do my work but i juz keep falling asleep in front of my book.

btw, did i say tt miss how was the invidgilator (argh!! dunnoe how to spell... haha.) man.. so cool la! haha... get to see her as in really see her hahaha.... lol! bet miss lee go pao toh me! hahaha but nvm la... she's juz my eye candy. though, if i was her age, i'd go after her heh....

so like erm, i'm resting now... not doing anything much, planning my day for tml. haha...wanna make use of it properly... ya... sooo... ok tt's all i've gotta say.. haha.... awww... miss how.....


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