Saturday, July 09, 2005

Finally!!! oral's over!!!

haha.. my A level oral's finally over!!! yay!!!

no i'm juz left with... my chinese mid yr, physics, maths and chem... ya... tt's all left... hahaha....

man... chinese oral was really funny la!! i wasn't the least nervous but excited to get it over with!! haha.. din really matter what marks i get.. but juz want to get it over with lor.. haha.. i was itching on my sit. cant wait for my turn. when my turn came, man.. i got up and chiong in hahaha...

like i sadi, wasnt scared or what, but, when it came to convesation, i totally forgot how to speak chinese!!! haha... the teacher translated everything for me!!! haha... and when i'm stumped by her question, it becomes like some 5 second silence period where i smile at u and u smile at me.... -_-"

den it's like i barely spoke.. haha.. juz went "erm.... erm... erm, erm, ya...." haha... tt's all... haha....

-juz something i thought about... i realise the word pon is getting old in 04S3 with the new word introduced by saw and kai --- AWOL! hahaha... (absent without official leave)


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