Friday, September 23, 2005


hahaha.. i was gonna write something really sad cos my eye is really killing me... and i'm sooo lonely at home... i feel like going over to my grandma's hpuse to stay and never be heard from... hahaha... wan to study there.. no distractions..

anyway, i am feeling all bubbly cos some sent me a smile on msn and guess wad i saw! hahaha...

this --->ATTRACT WOMEN anytime, anywhere without rejection... free tips >

on friendster!?!?!?!? ahahahaha... tt really made me laugh!!!

so ya, wad's a smile on friendster? ha.. sammy sent me one. haha sammy. hahahaha... sounds so sammy. hahaha...

ok am reading throught the attract women thingy. hahaha.. quite hilarious. guess it doesn't apply to me unless i'm like some playboy often found clubbing down in town. hahaha...

okok... enough of tt nonsense.. ha... my eyes..., it's soo uncomfortable... i cant study, cant watch tv... doing anything tt requires my eyes is juz so difficult... SHANAZ!!!! she passed it to me!!!

the doctor told me tt about 5000 pple have been infected this month!! this is worse than the dengue case!!! IT'S AN EPIDEMIC DISASTER!!!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!

hahha... they should like do something about it. ha... not as serious as dengue but it's slow torture!!!


Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

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1:43 AM

Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

are u bubbly coz i sent u da smiley ar coz u found a way to get women??

get well soon yeahh!
promos comin up u noes!
tc! (:
study harddd! (:
all da besttt!! (:

ohh btw.
as bad as sore eyes aree.
i don think they're worse den dengue fever u silly chimpanzee!
tc yeahh! (:

1:45 AM


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