Monday, September 26, 2005

i'm ticklish today..

haha.. first day of being a NERD, definitely stirred up some commotion here and there.. hahaha...

dunnoe why, but today's a real funny day. i keep laughing.

first was when i arrived at school. i dunnoe why but i juz felt like laughing hahaha... i suddenly burst out laughing while walking towards my class...

hahahahaha!!! thank goodness no one's around to catch me laughing -- for no reason. haha...

den i finally entered class and i could laugh all i want!!! WUAHAHAHAHA!!!

i guess cos i feel stupid. i came to school on my own for the first time in the morning!!! it's silly la. hahaha.. usually, i'd take the mrt but this time, i thought i'd take a bus down.

so like when i reached, i saw 2 other girls from my school. (i din wan to describe wad happened cos it's embarrassing but anyways....) so i'm like suppose to wait for 970. den suddenly this bus 171 arrived and those 2 girls got on the bus! i was like *!?!?!?*

i juz followed. (i feel so goon la!)

thank God amanda got up the bus or i'd be lost. hahaha... sooo... i was thinking "hmmm.. 171 goes to my school? like since when??"

den out of no where, everyone started getting down in the middle of bukit timah!! shocked, i followed. *baaa baaa*

like a little sheep i juz got off and waited. the best part, i din noe wad bus we're waiting for!!! i knew it was either 173 or like 66 or something. den this bus came by, amanda scooted off and the rest of the millenians were like not budging.


i din noe to follow or not!!! wad if amanda's going somewhere else!!! hahahaha... but again, my sheep instinct urge me to follow. *baa baa*

haha... funny day...

school song
our school song kinda cocked up today. haha.. at some point, it'll juz stop and i'd here students singing it and i cant help but laugh!!! it sounds soo.. funny. cos they dunnoe whether to continue singing or not. it's like a sudden jam break!

the best part, at the end of the song which is the highest key in the whole song, the whole school song went *poof!* hahahahaha... when i heard the school population hitting the note, i burst out laughing and i could not contain it!!!!! HahAhAHHAhAhAHHA!!!!

probably am laughing a lot cos i feel stupid in specs. ha... wierd.

P.E. was quite funny too. we're doing pull ups den it came to aliff's turn. "1....2...." *zooooooop*

hahahaahaha... oOo sexy butt? hahahahahahahaha... was sooo stupid la! he's like *gongz*

as he continued, he was like looking out "1....2....3...4........" and he kept a look out all the time and andy kept taunting him hahaha...

fun day la.. until i found out.... TODAY'S THE DEADLINE FOR MY EOM!!!!! WAH!!!!!!!

haha... i completed it quite quick la.. nothing much to do also... so yea... got things done...

haha.. anyway, i've got work to do... (though i am really tired now... woke up at 5.45... tml i'm gonna wake up at 6!)



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