Wednesday, February 01, 2006


gabe has bought himself a new pair of shoes!!! yay!!! finally. i dun have to wear a pair of shoes with 2 sides being different. hahaha... cos each of my pair of shoes has one side being worn of, so i mixed and matched. one orange, the other grey. hahah..

neways, i felt i have enjoyed my day though i feel quite dead today in school. am real tired la... nothing else much. how could i be sad, when i started off the morning nicely! ;)

if i knew how, i would do the same every morning ya! =D

ok, soooo... i totally forgot what i wanted to blog about, but i have not been doing my hw!!! gonna go for hw period soon man...

i am soooo tired now, i dunnoe whether i should do my work and sleep in class, or go to sleep and die the next day. or to juz die another day by skipping school! =P

doubt i'd skip unless i fall sick, which is quite a probability given my sore throat and lack of fluids for the past few days... have been trying to rehydrate myself here and there, and have been going to the toilet more often lately...

hmmm... i need rest... shall see what i can do. shall finish up gp i guess... i'm juz soooo tired...

hafta start now!


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