Wednesday, March 01, 2006


chinese results: D7

ha... cant wait for pw one... neways am a lil disappointed cos i wanted at least a C6 so tt i would not need to retake. anyway, a D7 is kind of like the basic requirement but it cant get me anywhere.... yet! hahaha..

alright, came home earlier today to get loads of work done. still in the midst of it though... taking a short break.. still got to do lots of other school work so tt i wont have to rush on long days like tmr and friday..

ha... so i decided to finish up my DISC report while taking my break and it describes me exactly how i feel i am i think hahahaha... if u want me to rate it, 9.9/10 hahaha... not bad. better than i expected.

here's an overview...


An extremely outgoing and social person, Gabriel Low tends to make friends easily and likes to have fun with others. He wants to make commitments even if he may be unable to keep them; but that is because of his desire to please, not because of any intent to deceive. Gabriel Low tends to be very spontaneous, easily becoming bored with routine tasks.

A loyal friend, Gabriel Low is patient and caring when attending to the needs of others. He is usually an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. He tends to be quite predictable, sticking with proven, reliable methods of dealing with situations rather than taking chances with a new, unproven approach.

Because he cares about how others feel, Gabriel Low may feel uncomfortable making decisions that strongly affect others. He typically encourages others to be involved in the decision making process and prefers to work in a team role. Others tend to see Gabriel Low as agreeable and humble.

Not afraid to take a bold approach, Gabriel Low is willing to challenge the status quo. He is original and creative, and acts with confidence when implementing new solutions. Gabriel Low will tend to use a balance of intuition and facts when making decisions, and once he has made a decision, he will not be afraid to take action upon it.

ha... yeps... i think it is very accurate especially when i fit it into situations i have been through.. group works, E-club projects, relationships, yr 1 and 2 time... ah... miss those days...

yr 3 now! muz work hard, though i barely see myself doing just tt...

ok, i dun remember anything i wanted to blog, so let me save time and get back to work. =)


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