Tuesday, March 14, 2006


quoting mr fung "ok, las thing. u were really good for the idol nite, only u cld hav carried off tat performance."

hahahaha... =P

i'm blogging sooo excessively today cos i'm soooooo bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i've got my diploma exam which is like another project work la! haiz... i'm trying to write my script but halfway through, i decided to juz practice and memorize it... am juz too lazy, and dun wan to stick to memorizing what i wrote.. it will limit me.

sooo... i'm juz soooo sleepy, but i cant sleep!! i muz memorize!!!

ha... i miss some of my friends... especially those that i've not seen for sooooo long...

okok... shall memorize once more and go to bed...


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