Monday, March 06, 2006


ha... forgive me for the nonsense in my previous entry... ha... was juz suddenly down...

anyways, moulin rouge IS a beautiful show. i thought it was like some erm... haha.. like chicago type of show. beautiful musical. wanna watch it again!!!

oh, anyway, to you, though it's been long, 2 yrs or so, yea.. i guess it was only proper for us to break up. yea? not because u din like me, or i did not like u but like, if u think carefully, it might not have turned out too well. as in erm... ha.. ask me, i'll tell u.

soo yup! fast passing day i had!

i have not much work, yet i dun feel like moving my butt! haha.. and like i mentioned. i'll regret once i've made myself do chinese.. I DID!!! hahahaha...

but heck la... shall juz retake it. who knows! i might get a C6. hahahaha.. maybe better, a C5! hahahaha... shall work towards a better grade.

ok, lots of work to do. off!


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