Saturday, September 23, 2006

graduation tea

BeNgz. SeE WhaT sEE!

alright, so yesterday was graduation tea. ha... it was rather fun, and kinda nice towards the end.

so i was playing around with josh's coat. i always wished i could have one but it's so ex and i doubt i'd use it that often haha...

ok, i wasn't tt keen on taking pics ha.. but i just realised i took so many pics with the girls and not the guys.

lame right!!!

and this! so sweet right!!!
that's me singing during MI idol hahaha!!!

the teachers made these lil buttons for us. and only 2 classes had our pictures on it whereas the rest just had their names ha!

one thing i hate about me now, is tt i've grown sooo fair! (and fat) hahahaha... but anyways, look at the sunglasses!!! wooo!! hady bought em, and they look sooo cool! so i took it and played around with it. hahaha... i look like the american highway patrol huh!

one half of the class

and the other half.

the picture's rather blur. me and lay kuen had awards!! haha.. and me and kannan marched her up to stage HAHAHAHA!!! body guards. too bad, no pics.

ah yes, my maths teacher =)

let's go void deck and RelaK One Korner.

anyway, with this outfit, many more others wanted to take pictures with me! hahahaha... too bad i do not have em. i was running around without my cam. haha... at least i know i have impressed my malay friends hahaha, (i think.)

and yes! the teachers did a little skid for us. hahaha... was sooo cool! and funny of course.

hahaha Mr Fung and i
he dresses like me and i dress like him, in school. hahaha!

and the most impressive thing everyone mentioned was from the side and the and back, we tuck our shirts the same way ha!

BeNgzZZz aNd LiAnzZzZ uNitE!!!
ah beng, ah tian~, ah hua, ah lian, ah lau! hahahaha!!


MI 2nd SC/FL


hmmm... i guess that's about all la. hahaha. and like, i think the post is long enough hahaha.... we went to town after tt, hang out a lil. had some other pics. but i've yet to get em. ha...


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