Monday, September 11, 2006


so, all the sms from friends all wishing me all the best as i prepare to go to bed. ha thanks!

i'm feeling rather prepared, but i know it's still not enough. neways, i'm working towards my ultimate goal which is the A levels. if i can keep this up, i'd cover everything by A levels. and i'd be NO FEAR! hahaha...

i'm just looking forward to my days ahead. they do not seem so gloomy anymore. doesn't matter how i'd do for A's but whether i studied for it. even if i do not do well, i'm not worried anymore. some how i know i'd carve out my future myself if i'd continue to be what i am now, and if i improve every single day.

i'm thankful for friends. be it those i'm close to and those i'm not. one person who definitely encouraged me, was this guy I DO NOT EVEN KNOW! we met playing some online game, hooked each other up with msn and yea, he was great encouragement. i dun even know he's name. or rather i forgot cos it's been almost a year since i met him. he was taking he's A's back then haha...

anyways, thank God for everything. gonna go to bed. =)


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