Sunday, September 03, 2006

i'm high on You


ah... i'm extremely joyful for no particular reason. i am glad that i went for evening service.

i was at home wondering what should i do. i did not want to go cos i wanted to study as i've spent the whole day out choosing a camera. I'VE GOT A NEW DIGI CAM!!!! not an SLR though... (SOON!) and my mom and sis, they waited at IMM since 3.45pm for some korean actor to appear at 5.30!!! MAN! crazy pple. there was a huge crowd la!!!

whatever chen jun ge la. one day u'd see gabriel low all over, and pple will que up just to say hi to me WUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

anyways, i just lay on the sofa at 6pm, then i asked God "how?" and suddenly, i just felt like going hahaha!

the message today was SUPERB! everything i needed. yea.... allowed me to examine myself. and now that i feel sooo empowered and on fire, i really do not want this to stop. BURN!!!!

reached home and i was stinking thirsty. ha... so i opened the fridge and saw a bottle of...............

Rose Sauvage

nothing big though but i just had to try it, so i asked my dad and he said ok. WHOOOO!!!

initially i could not pop the bottle of champaign, but i pushed hard and *POP* MAN! the cork flew and bounced at least 2-3 times off the ceiling and floor!!! like some celebration! i was like COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha... my practice for my future wedding, now i wouldn't have to appear malu when i take too slong to pop the bottle HEH!

alright! i'm just stinking happy! and i'm perspiring like mad cos of the drink. how ironic. HA!

best part, i have the WHOLE bottle to myself cos my dad did not like the taste BUAHAHAHAAHA!!!


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