Monday, December 18, 2006


wooo!!! i love working at kiki! it's sooo stinking fun! talking to pple, chatting with em and selling ponchos and umbrellas at the same time hahaha! i love those who would actually play along! and whenever it's raining, auntie will be out, and she's soooo funny la!

today, cos of a much heavier rain than those i have experienced, (for the first time i was soaked!) i had a super great time though all hell broke lose, and pple began throwing money at my face HAHAHA!!!

desperate for rain coats, i restocked 4 times, had a tough time catching up with demand and like everyone's just grabbing!

i am like soooo stinking lazy now, if not i'd be uploading some pics. hahaha... words are boring ya!

anyway, i'm sooo tired la... and yesterday's party, HAHAHAHA!!! high sia! hahahaha had sooo much fun!

now when i think about it, i have not done devotions, cos by the time i reach home, SLEEP! morning wake up go school... man...

oh well, SLEEP!


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