Thursday, May 31, 2007


the past 3 days have been a real exciting and tiring one for me.

lots of strength training, combat trainings and my re-16km route march hahaha... din make it the first time round. this time however, felt half as tough as the first time i did it hohoho..

the most exciting and memorable thing that happened was during grenade throwing. it's so loud la! even with ear plugs, but tt's what makes it so cool!! each explosion vibrates our uniform. the best part, someone threw a blind, which meant that the grenade did not explode so while taking cover, me and the warrant officer just sat behind the throwing bay waiting to see if it'd explode ha... 30mins man.. but it felt like 15mins though.

the warrant officer and i just began chatting and i enjoyed myself until they planted the C4 to detonate the grenade. woah!!! hahaha the BOOM, is crazy! it's like just 20m away from me, and the explosion, aww!! sooo cool la!!!!

when the C4 exploded, the plastic camo on our helmets moved in an outward circular direction like an invisible nuclear bomb! my uniform vibrated! wooh! that's how powerful the sound wave is. it's not the wind, cos we were taking cover. BOOOOOM!!!!

i am glad that i got to book out yesterday, or it'll be a real boring week.

- whoever said SOC was tough hohoho

i just cant forget last sat.. it's been sucha memorable one. things tt happened just kept replaying through the night before i go to bed. i wish the saturdays to come would be the same. i began cherishing every moment when i'm out, their all so special to me. i hope i get to make it to edge again this sat. =)

getting me a wallet as a gift, was really the coolest thing, thanks! i mean, i carry it with me, and so i'd remember u guys all the time. ha..

ok la, shant get too sentimental. off to go play a bit more before i book in later. =D


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