Wednesday, December 20, 2006


i love water, be it from the sea or the sky. hahaha..

many pple may hate the rain, but i simply love it, SO MUCH! i know it's uncomfortable and bad to get all wet and stuff. i personally love the little rain, not the heavy ones. heavy ones, when i'm at home. but while i am out, i would love one in which i can walk in it without fearing i'd get all wet or sick.

on my way home in the afternoon, i had a wonderful walk in the rain. the soft little drops so cooling on my skin, the wind, cold and quiet. every where, there's an eerie but calm silence. ah... i love it so much. the mild darkness, makes the afternoon feel like evening, and the morning, like night.

so wonderful.. to me, it's like a dream come true. i feel like going out, walking around the whole world in this weather. wearing a raincoat, carrying a back pack. how nice... haha...

ok, time for bed. school tmr and i was too caught up watching the WEG on arirang channel. i think pro warcraft players think too much. hahahaha!! every little detail counts.. MAN! pro! hahahaha...


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