Thursday, July 26, 2007


am out today to do some ultra sound scan at alexandra hospital. yay.. short book out. i needed a time out.

for the past 2 weeks i've been having field camp and so my whole body's starting to itch. man... it's not rash not bites, i dunnoe what it is, but i scratch my whole body every there and then.

yesterday, rather last night, i just had a hell of scolding and punishment. the reason why i was punished was dumb, but oh well... have to thank my platoon for helping out.

am stinking tired. cos of punishment, i had less than 5hrs of sleep. thought i'd get to do some paper reading but am too sleepy, even now.

haha... my entry seems very point formy haha... tired. be back on sat morning, book out 6.15am. =D

field camp is nothing scary now, just tiring.


Blogger estherfoong. said...


2:38 PM


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