Wednesday, January 26, 2005

finally... it's done and over!

ah... finally... i've done my speech.. cool... i feel sooo relieved. haha.. i'm still felt tt i should have said my last sentence seriously.. even kumari said tt it would be much more funnier. haha... i could not control la.. haha.. u guys noe me la.. hahaha.... i was controlling already. i was trying to tell myself dun laugh. but when i started laughing. ha! my eyes became so small i could not see wad i wrote hahahaha...

anyway, the feed back was tt i'm friendly. ha... juz like in the speech. so no prob la.... things went quite fine.. haha.. thanks corinne! haha... they love ur qoute hahaha... ok la.. it was quite cool. come to think of it, i'd love to go up there and do another speech haha..

hmm.. oh yea.. today skipped a lil bit of physics. i go return stocks settle money.. FINALLY! wah.. i juz realise we din earn much la.. like peanuts.. maybe i lost some money?? !!! cant be la.. haha... i guess i underestimated the cost of the jewelries. man... they cost a bomb and profit margin was like sooo low! crap! i juz remembered we muz surrender 20%... wah... forgot to add it into calculation.. now no money liao la!!

sianz...... i got no mood to type about today le. i'm juz so sad i feel like typing some other stuff.
"who can i trust? no one.... i guess i've got to watch my back on my own now... i guess it's back to the past... where i dunnoe if my friends are friends. i dunnoe who are those who actually are my friends. i dunnoe wad to do... who to go to. i tot i went to the right pple. tell them everything and get betrayed. why? i dunnoe. but i juz noe there's no one u can trust. even ur closest friend. i dun treat friendship lightly. i dunnoe about u pple. but i'll nvr trust anyone of u again. never! i stand on my own... why must history repeat itself.... i dun understand."


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