Tuesday, January 25, 2005

tml's my speech!!

aaaahhhh!!! i am soooo nervous!!!! hahaha.... "gabriel gabriel he's so cool! make him president of ur school!! haha..." kinda lame, but i like it hahahaha!! anyway, i've juz re-edited my speech once again.. argh... they said my speech was too informal!! haha... formal eh... sooo unlike me haha.. i did a lil bit of amendments but some of those informal stuff, i still added in haha.. i'm sooo nervous!!! i have not practice it yet!! argh!!!!!!!!! GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!!

ah... tml ar... why was i nominated.... so scary.. haha... i dun mind being a normal member actually haha.. but now, it's either president, vice-president or exco. haha.. like win-win situation. lol!! haha.. how!?!?!?!? i'm sooo nervous... my heart's beating soo fast as i start thinking of it... argh!! haha... guys! muz support me k! i soo scared ar... haha... wish i dun need to do the speech. haha....

ok.. so today real tiring day cos there's double period P.E. haha.. but after P.E, i kinda enjoyed myself with S2 pple.. haha... cool bunch.. ar... i cant type anymore! cos as i type, i get more nervous thinking of my speech.. ah!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha.... help me!!!!!!!!!!! give me strength God!! see me through this round. amen!

haha.. shall go back to rehearsing...


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