Thursday, January 27, 2005

MI vs TP!

haha.. i really had a great time man. i din regret it!! once again, i got to see hannan and man.. so we kinda lost the game... 1-0 but actually we played real well cos tt try by TP, it was nit actually a try.. ref gave it to them... soo it was actually a draw!! haha... but TP deserved it. they played hard and well. *woot*

wah.. i got quite a lot of injuries in this match cos TP played real rough... man.. the first was my nose. haha... i tackled this guy and during the process of bringing him down, he elbowed my nose.... ended up with a lil swell at the top and it's affecting my breathing.. ar.. so uncomfortable.. wah.. he juz kept elbowing.. hit me twice. but i die die dun let go hahahahaha!! tt winger was taking it too seriously.. haha.. he was like glaring at me den i was playing with him haha... i run side ways to distract him. haha.. and he juz keep staring at me ahahahaha!!!

anyway, my next injury was when i did this high tackle. so dumb.... i noe. but i din have time to go down too.. he was like right in front of me haha.. juz grabbed him. another of his team mate, grabbed me by my face and scratched it.. ar.. now i got a scratch near my eye and one at my nose. sobx.... den the guy i brought down, he hit my at my cheek and left me a bruise... tml go school like i juz fought with someone hahaha...

anyway, my thigh muscles hurt and when i bathed, my wound were like sooo painful haha.. the water touch ar.. haha.. ok la.. i enjoyed myself a hell lot! cool game! though the ball seldom get to me.. haiz... i like do so much tackling, no attacking... ha.... oh ya! let me tell u why our game ended earlier.. man.. *ouch* two TP guys rushed into the ruck and ended up with a concusion..... man., he's bleeding at the head! ow ow ow!! see la... play too hard le. but i like it! well done! i'll play hard too in future. but i have to watch out. haha... dun want to end up with a cracked coconut shell.. ha...

ok.. today i din exactly had a nice day cos i was filled with anger cos i was so sleepy and of course, the other reason.. but let me tell u guys something. when u see me shed tears, it means tt i'm either filled with extreme hatred, or i'm juz damn angry. today i kinda 'broke' tt seal.. ha.. i din want to do it though.. i din talk to anyone in the morning cos i dun want to spark off my tears.. u guys noe i got a really soft heart ya... so i was containing anger which was sooo unlike me. but when i need to do it. cos i have to face him and hopefully settle things properly. best case senario, he has decided to drop the thing and i'll juz leave them alone. i dunnoe.. i'm still trying to be nice... cos i dun want to start anything over small lil stuff... at least i still have VJ, sadiq, the rest backing me up.... i dun feel soo erm.. i dunnoe wad word to put in haha... at least i have a lil bit of support. i think it'll most likely be a peace talk on friday, hope so lor.. dun want anything bad to happen to the both of us.
actually things were more or less settled on the phone call le la... but got some pple a bit kpo ar... den like make things a bit worst.. but nvm la.... i hope can settle everything asap. den i can do my work and enjoy school peacefully le! yea!
ha.. today like no mood to study and do work.. can ask moe haha.. he like pushed me through everything.. thanks dude! den i was soooo sick of school, i even ran away from physics haha.. bad boy ya? haha.... den i had to sneak back into class. thanks for ur help sam!! haha... if not sure get caught. ha...
k.. end here le.. my entry like soo long liaoz... bye pple!


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