Saturday, July 28, 2007


just a little more...


just recently i picked up my booked which i stopped halfway and i finished reading it within 2 days. the book for one more day by mitch albom had changed my life this week.

before my book out on thurs, i was longing for a day out, i remember how sad and how much my heartached. i missed my mom. well... thursday was my one more day with her. just like the book, i longed for just one day with my mom.

i booked out on thurs for a medical check up, so my mom accompanied me to the hospital where i did my check up. it just felt so nice being with her. like the world, the stress, slowly drifted away; blocked somewhere inside my head.

i just wanted time to go by slowly. we went for lunch after the hospital, so we went down to IMM since i needed to get some chips and stuff. when we reached, we couldn't get a parking spot, my mom told me to go out first and buy my stuff and lunch at the same time. but that was not what i wanted, i wanted to be with her, i wanted to walk with her. like a little boy, i told her "i don't want to go alone.."

and just like any mother, she knew. she let out a short breathe like a little laugh and drove round looking for a spot.

so we did walk around IMM like how i wanted it to be. looking around the shops, clothes, walking round the super market and got what i needed, ate lunch. it felt so much like a dream of something i wanted to do so much when i was a little boy.

if you know my mom, it's hard to get a long with her, sometimes, she can't hear me when i speak or rather, she ignores me. and i can't tell her things cos instead of encouragement, i'd prolly get a scolding.

but well... since i'm in ns, we don't really get to see each other, even on weekends, we both have our own lives and our work to do. i'm happy we had tt day. what was half a day felt like a whole day.

went back to camp at 2pm. all in all, i spent 6hrs with my mom before returning to camp and i treasured every moment of it.

when the world fails you, put ur trust in God,
and don't u forget ur mom!


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