Saturday, October 29, 2005

29/10/2005 - Part 2

last night i had one of the nicest dreams ever... probably the nicest and sweetest ever wuahahaha... =D

ok, last night, even though i slept 8 hrs, it felt like one whole day in the dream. aww.. it was truly nice man... it felt sooo real and things happened are quite real too. wow.... i'd never want to wake up in that case. hahaha...

alright, back to the next part of what i wanted to say.
as i mentioned, the laptop is where i resolve all my boredom and stuff.. guess that's how i got sooo addicted to it. my blog is where i usually turn to when i need a friend.
sooo tt's probably why my blog's soo wordy hahahaha....
ah... hahaha.. nvm! i'm already lost at what i wan to say my days of reflections are over.
after that 30mins i had while waiting for kira to look back, i realised many things.
one thing i know for sure, christmas is not going to be the same...


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